Thursday 12 July 2012

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

If you've never tried modern rain gear, you're in for a pleasant surprise. Protected by waterproof wonder fabrics that breathe to prevent overheating, you can ride for hours remaining warm, dry and comfortable. Spinning down the road and trail in the rain, you'll feel like you're a kid again dressed in rubber boots and a yellow slicker jumping in every puddle you see. Instead of dreading wet weather, you'll appreciate the variety it brings to your cycling.

Trash Bags and Ponchos
In a pinch, you can make a cycling raincoat out of a garbage bag by cutting holes for your neck and arms. This works pretty well for keeping dry, however, you generate so much heat pedaling that you get soaked with sweat. Yuk.

Another standby is the poncho, a cape-like raincoat that does a fair job of keeping the rain out. Unlike the trash bag, ponchos flap around enough to provide some cooling ventilation. Unfortunately, this flapping catches lots of wind, too, which makes it harder to maintain your pace.

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

Bicycling Rain Gear

1 comment:

  1. when is's about outdoor sports any time you can face any problem, or you can enjoying it you can carry a Sports backack and take some sports drinks for hydration you can drink it and recover your energy, and dont forget to take a Sports Action camera to capture your best moments
