Wednesday 11 July 2012

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

The flagship model, the TL34HD, introduces a 14.7-megapixel sensor--until the camera ships, one can only imagine how ungodly noisy those photos must be--and a fairly cool, if somewhat iPhone-envious, 3-inch hybrid touch screen with a gesture-based interface. As is beginning to look like a trend for ultracompacts (the Casio EX-Z150 beat it by a couple days), its 3.6x optically stabilized zoom lens starts at a relatively wide angle 35mm-equivalent focal length of 28mm. Also in the new line, Samsung announced the TL9, a 10-megapixel ultracompact with a 5x internally zooming lens and sensor-shift image stabilization. Though its 2.7-inch LCD is a bit smaller than its sibling's, Samsung thinks you'll want to play movies on it: the TL9 has some personal media player capabilities, including music and video playback. Both media types need to be transcoded by Samsung's software for use on the camera, which rarely bodes well for that feature's success.

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

Samsung Z150

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