Thursday 12 July 2012

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking

Once you make your purchase, the best way to prolong the life of your waterproof/breathable investment is to keep it clean. All the test jackets come with a factory-applied water-repellent finish (DWR) that causes rain to bead up on the outer surface. This coating can become compromised by dirt, campfire smoke, even oils from your skin. Washing with a mild detergent and a trip through the drier on low heat often reactivates the beading properties. (Note: Always check manufacturer recommendations first; some advise using a nondetergent soap like Nikwax Tech Wash, while others recommend a small amount of powder detergent.)Eventually, the DWR will wear off; you'll know because the shell will consistently "wet out" or appear to soak up water and it won't breathe properly. Some manufacturers recommend certain DWR-restoring products. Gore's Revivex and Tectron's Outdoor Fabric Protector performed the best in our review of DWR treatments

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking

Rain Gear For Hiking


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