Tuesday 10 July 2012

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

The handset’s design copies that found on other up-to-date folding phones – black trim veils all peculiarities of the casing. Naturally, it’s a sticking point of all RAZR-wannabe devices, as their appearances are very alike – e.g. demonstrate the E780 and the Z540 to a man wide of mobile solutions market, and he is likely to find no sharp distinctions. The same goes to comparison with the slim smartphone by HTC running StarTrek platform. To cut a long story short, if you are going out with the phone, don’t expect to get into the limelight. However some users noted, that this kind of design appeal to their taste
 It may seem we have just another ordinary slim clam shell on our hands, yet it isn’t the whole truth: fortunately this model is powered by the same engine as Samsung D600 and flaunts a whole lot of software fixes, improving experience. The E780 clearly puts it, what the real goal of Samsung in improving the major functions is

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

Samsung E780

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